Sandy Ridge 4th of July

Sandy Ridge 4th of July

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Raised (USD)

Days Left: 47
Goal: $1,500

From Kathryn Rogerson

Donations will go towards our spectacular fireworks display, food, entertainment, activities, and costs associated with organizing our annual block party. Your donations make this event possible and fun for everyone.

More Info

Join us for our annual Sandy Ridge 4th of July Block Party! You will want to invite your friends and family to our fun filled event. If you missed it last year, you can expect a professional fireworks display at sunset that will leave you in awe all year long. During the day, we have tons of food, a bar, HUGE water slide, multiple pools, music, live entertainment and much more! We block off a portion of our street to ensure there is ample room for all the fun. 

This event started with a group of neighbors who loves this country and loves to celebrate. We opened it up to our entire neighborhood in 2023 and everyone had a blast! We hope to continue to make this an annual event our community can look forward to each year. 

We had so many people ask about contributing to a fund last year we decided to make a donation page. 

Your donations will go towards our firework display, food, entertainment, activities, and associated costs. 

Thank you for your generosity!

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