Family rebuilding from a flood

Family rebuilding from a flood

From Arthur Chadwick

Looking for donations to help my family rebuild our home and repair my vehicle and replace some tools so I can get back to work. It has been a great loss, especially that time of year

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               Rebuilding from the Rubble

In the serene town of Conway, New Hampshire, amidst the wreckage left by a merciless flood on December 18th, 2023, one mans indomitable spirit shines as a beacon of hope amidst the darkness. From humble beginnings, I built a life filled with dreams of family and service to others—a life now threatened by the very forces he once battled.

As the floodwaters receded, revealing the devastation left in their wake, my heart sank at the sight of his once-thriving business reduced to rubble. My job trailer, once brimming with power tools and promise, now lay in ruin, its contents lost to the unforgiving waters. My trusty truck, a faithful companion through countless trials, succumbed to the flood's icy grip, its drivetrain frozen solid, rendering it immobile and being a Handy person he was able to change the fluids to get it going for a few days until the transmission went out . Along with the trailer we were living in due to the home we were living in being sold last minute between are trailer being pushed over 100 ft by the water and knocked over on its side with one end up in a tree along with my truck that was pushed 60 ft on its side into a tree. The trailer has since been put back where it was and the interior stripped due to being worried about mold the truck I was able to get going for a couple days before the transmission decided  to stop working my job trailer didn't sustain too much structural damage and is usable with some work but the contents 90% is a loss they got completely submerged in water leaving 90% of my stuff damaged and unusable.

With no means of transportation and no tools to ply his trade, I found myself adrift in a sea of uncertainty. Yet, amidst the chaos, my thoughts turned not to myself, but to my family—their safety and well-being paramount in my mind. With what little funds I had left, I secured them in a small apartment, sacrificing his own comfort to ensure theirs.

And so, as the cold nights pressed in and the days grew darker, I remained behind, sleeping in my damaged vehicle, my spirit battered but unbroken. With each passing day, my hope dwindled, replaced by a creeping sense of despair—a despair born of rejection and denial, as government agencies turned a blind eye to me and my family in need.

But amidst the despair, a glimmer of hope emerged—a hope fueled by the kindness and generosity of the red Cross with a donation and the first and only donation at that point my spirit began to stir, my resolve reignited by the support from them .

So, to those who hear my plea, know that your support is more than just a lifeline—it is a lifeline—a lifeline that sustains not just to me , but my family, his dreams, and his very spirit. Together, let us rise from the rubble, rebuilding what was lost and forging a future filled with hope, compassion, and community.

It's affecting me very much to even ask for help when I'm usually the one that helps. That's why I started my business to help the less fortunate one's on fixed incomes and ones that are unable to provide a variety of services for themselves. I've always wanted to help others since a little boy was one of my biggest goals besides my family was to have my own business and I was able to succeed turning that into an LLC back in 2020 even after running it for over 18 years with the anxiety that this has brought the nightmares. The flashbacks of the water rushing by with all the debris and 100-ft trees going end for end as they float by almost hitting me at times and then having to be rescued by Blackhawk helicopter along with a couple other residents. The whole experience has done done quite a bit of damage to my ego Even though my biggest concern was keeping my family safe and getting them out of harm's Way I'm slowly drifting away and losing. Hope I've worked so hard for everything. our family had and now being unable to work and having to cancel jobs because I'm unable to get. There is a huge embarrassment and a letdown to myself. I don't like to let people down. It affects me very deeply. So I'm asking the community for donations or any agency or individual willing to hear my story and lend a helping hand trying to raise funds for materials to finish fixing our trailer funds to replace the transmission or rebuild my transmission in my truck or my truck completely and to replace the basic tools I need to get back to work so I can get back on my feet and provide for my family so we can all be back together again as of  right now my wife and three kids are safe for another 3 weeks with the apartment and only apartment I was able to find it's paid up for three more weeks I'm not sure what's going to happen in a couple weeks cuz my phone's going to be off cuz I am completely out of funds. I'm so afraid of losing my business 100% which is very devastating. I'm just glad my family is safe and has a roof over their head and I'm hoping to be able to continue providing that. I appreciate you taking your time to read this. I hope you can understand our my family's need for assistance. I would be More than willing to offer my services to anybody that helps My family and my needs at a time of need finally was able to put my pride aside to ask the community for help. It has taken a big toll on me. Hope you can understand and this all makes sense to you. I've never had to reach out and ask for help before. This is all new to me but it's the last resort that I have. I appreciate your your time, you have taken to read this and any donations that you can provide are family.

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Sincerely, the Chadwick's

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