Give and grow

Give and grow

From Angela Ward

I am currently trying to raise money for our family, we are looking to grow our family and expand our opportunities.

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Update #1

2 months ago

Well even though I have no help financially. we are making the most of what we have around here. I found some random chicken wire and fixed up the coop, so my chickens are happy and safe!! Now to get other things in order..

More Info

Hey Ya'll so no lies here, my family and I are super struggling, we have literally exhausted every way we could think of. We have a small property, and hello its winter, we could use a bit more wood to keep warm, clothing at least for the kiddo! She's our lively hood around here!! The animals are covered, I can go without so can my husband. Yes we are looking in every direction for job opportunities, however... I am disabled and would have to work from home.... next to impossible without a bachelors. I would Love to go back to school for a degree in Psych or even counseling! My husband has an injury that has prevented him from getting hired at most places.... leaving us in a bind. We moved to Arkansas for my father, left everything including family.... here we are, in a funky situation. We would like to grow our family, adopt a boy eventually, grow our garden, in the spring we would love to get bee boxes, and lots of room to plant plenty of things. I really can not wait, but it takes money, this is something we Really need a bit of help with. I can post updates on how things are going.

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Angela Ward posted a new update:
2 months ago

Update #1

Well even though I have no help financially. we are making the most of what we have around here. I found some random chicken wire and fixed up the coop, so my chickens are happy and safe!! Now to get other things in order..

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