Freida Santos

Freida Santos

Fundraising for:
Giving is Living,Inc
Team Captain:
BreAnn Young

From Freida Santos

I'm raising money for a cause I care about, but I need your help to reach my goal! Please become a supporter to follow my progress and share with your friends.

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Update #2

almost 3 years ago

We are having a homeless feeding on July 29th and would love for you to partner with us in making this happen for the community we serve. We provide food and hygiene essentials to everyone. Our goal is to be able to feed and house both homeless and domestic abuse women and children, so any donation's will assist us in reaching our goal at hand and keep us being able to provide what is needed to feed and serve. Let's make someone live's a little easier and bless by being a blessing.

About The Team

Our Organization is Giving Is Living because we are trying our best to assist the community with our help in making sure "NO One Goes Hungry" we are asking for any kindness given to make sure we can bring happiness to someone's day, by providing a meal and hygeine esssentials, clothing,etc. Please show support and make any donation's that you can and it is very much appreciated. We are trying to reach a goal and making sure we can stop hunger for the homeless and provide safety for the abuse women and children. Help us on our Journey and let's give back to our community. Thanks in advance for any assistance. Reach out to me at [email protected].

More Info

Giving Is Living,

In life it is always good to give back for what you have been blessed to have. I have been giving back and want to see if anyone would assist us in doing this. We are trying to better our community by feeding and sheltering the homless and domestic women and children. Even if you can donate essentials that would be great and accepted. A homeless person just needs to know someone care's and that we are here to help them in anyway. I am trying to make this happen, but could use some assistance in doing so, the women and children needs essentials also and couseling. Let's make sure we can assist by keeping them safe and give them some type of stability to start over. We want to provide all needs we can to make there lives a little more easier. So to all that will take the time to donate anything would be great. All donations go towards the community goal and purpose. Thanks in advance. Have a blessed day. 

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Lashae Dotson posted a new update:
almost 3 years ago

Update #2

We are having a homeless feeding on July 29th and would love for you to partner with us in making this happen for the community we serve. We provide food and hygiene essentials to everyone. Our goal is to be able to feed and house both homeless and domestic abuse women and children, so any donation's will assist us in reaching our goal at hand and keep us being able to provide what is needed to feed and serve. Let's make someone live's a little easier and bless by being a blessing.

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Lashae Dotson posted a new update:
almost 3 years ago

Update #1

Our Organization is asking for assistance with helping us reach our goal with supporting the homeless and domestic abuse women and children. We are trying to raise donations to help with a location to be able to keep the women and children safe and help house the homeless, any donations will be appreciated and excepted. We thanks for all the kindness and willingness to partner with us on making this a community effort in making there day a little easier. We are on a mission to make a difference for our community.

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