ZEN10: 2017 Walk for Korinji Monastery

ZEN10: 2017 Walk for Korinji Monastery

From Korinji Rinzai Zen Monastery

Our annual benefit walk in Chicago to build Korinji, a Zen monastery. Korinji will be a center for meditation, spirituality and the arts in the Heartland. Become a Founder with us!

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Korinji is a Zen Buddhist monastery being built on 17 forested acres near Madison, Wisconsin.

We are creating Korinji to bring the practice of meditation and its benefits to the community. Zen meditation is a practice which helps us to regain our mind-body balance - our basic human sanity – here and now, and to gain insights which strike at the root causes of suffering.  A person who practices Zen can come to see the common threads underlying the diverse expressions of human experience, religions, philosophies, and beliefs...and mankind itself.  With this perspective, new possibilities unfold.  Its expression is compassion and tolerance for others. 

When completed Korinji will be a center for both spirituality and the arts, where anyone can come to experience the peace and beauty of a traditional monastery environment.

The 2017 ZEN10

On Saturday July 1, participants will challenge themselves to complete a 10k walk benefiting Korinji. We will walk together in Chicago and Madison, but walkers may also join with us in spirit wherever they are, walking whatever distance they wish. In this way many people, in several nations, will join their energy together for a great cause!

You can sponsor a walker by pledging any amount you wish, or choose a specific amount per kilometer and challenge your walker to complete the entire distance!

Where do donations go?  The money raised goes directly to the Korinji construction fund. Our monastery is so close to being completed! The main structure - our meditation hall - is finished. This year we will break ground for the final building, a residence where Zen monks and others will stay. Korinji needs an infusion of funds to complete this structure, and to avoid borrowing to do so: every dollar raised now is a dollar less debt that our new monastery will carry. The Korinji Foundation, overseeing construction, is a federally recognized,  tax-exempt public charity...your donations are tax-deductible.

Thank you so much for your support of this historic cause!

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