United Cajun Navy

United Cajun Navy

From United Cajun Navy

We are a nonprofit organization focused on providing relief to areas impacted by natural disasters. The United Cajun Navy has responded to Fires, Hurricanes, Tornados, Floods, and Child Poverty in the last 3 years.

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Update #30

over 2 years ago

United Cajun Navy Needs You! We are deployed in Kentucky helping with the flood victims and doing rescues. Please check out facebook page for more details and donate if you can!


More Info

United Cajun Navy currently deployed to Kentucky.  Please see our Facebook for all on the ground videos and operations.  We have several Point of Distributions set up to help get supplies out.  Also we have Search Teams, Drone Teams, and Search Dogs operating still.  Help us Bless these areas for the Holidays. 

Your donations make this possible.

Please follow us on Facebook to find where we're at and what we're doing!  

Campaign Wall

United Cajun Navy posted a new update:
over 2 years ago

Update #31

United Cajun Navy Needs You! We are deployed in Kentucky helping with the flood victims and doing rescues. Please check out facebook page for more details and donate if you can!


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United Cajun Navy posted a new update:
over 2 years ago

Update #30

Tune Into Discovery Channel tonight at 9 PM EST / 8 PM CST to see United Cajun Navy's response with Hurricane Ida as we join the crew from Deadliest Catch in documenting this disaster.

Thanks to our all supports who make us move mountains! Your giving matters and I hope you all enjoy the show!

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United Cajun Navy posted a new update:
over 2 years ago

Update #29


Early Sunday, UCN was invited by friends of the Erway Family to join the search for Sarah Erway who went missing on Memorial Day while on the James River with 11 other friends. The group went over a dam which led to 10 being rescued and 2 missing. Lauren and Sarah. Early Monday Morning UCN arrived and was in constant contact with the Mother of Sarah Erway. Around 7:30 AM a body sighting occurred and we immediately proceeded to the area. Fire fighters confirmed that a body was located. UCN - Chad and Sam remained on site with the immediate family until fire and police cleared out. We are happy that this family now has closure and one of our volunteers stated that the Faith and Love for the Lord was overwhelming. They said it will be an experience they will never forget and ask that we keep praying for the family.

Through the support and love of our donors two of our SAR drones where used in this search! We are hoping to get additional funding to purchase more batteries and eliminate the need to bring generators!

We are so happy to bring this story to you guys! If you want to learn more about Sarah Erway please read the People.com article here: https://people.com/human-interest/body-found-in-river-presumed-to-be-missing-woman-who-went-over-va-dam-on-memorial-day/

The families of both Lauren and Sarah stated that the others involved mentioned they died helping them get to the surface. True Heros. UCN will never forget.

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United Cajun Navy posted a new update:
over 2 years ago

Update #28

Gearing up for 2022! First storm has set its eyes to Florida and we are moving to help!

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United Cajun Navy posted a new update:
about 3 years ago

Update #27

United Cajun Navy - Partnered with JB hunt to bring in over 48 pallets of clothing to get to those in need from Texas to Pennsylvania during this winter event.

Currently we are still deploying supplies and volunteers in remote areas that the winter storm has impacted ensuring we do not have a repeat of the 250+ lives lost in 2021 when Texas and Louisiana experienced the deep freeze.

We want to remind those who are using generators to make sure they are at least 50 feet in distance from any homes to help prevent possible carbon monoxide poisoning . This gas does not smell and is one of the worse things we need in the aftermath of any disaster that can cause a death toll to rise. All current donations are going to help provide supplies, k1 kero, Blankets, and food items.

Thanks to all our supports and loved ones during these cold months. Volunteer or Donate!! We are always looking for help!

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United Cajun Navy posted a new update:
about 3 years ago

Update #26

Last 72 hours of 2021! United Cajun Navy is still going strong providing Blessings to those you need it most! If you cant donate at one of our following locations please consider donating here! Your giving, Matters. I can not say it any other way!

Our locations for drop offs are:

UCN - Warehouse 2 - 11075 Airline, Baton Rouge, LA 70816

Mayfield, KY - 808 W. Farthing 42066 (Food and Toys for Children)

Dawson Springs, KY - 13525 Nortonville Rd 42408 (Food and Baby Supplies)

Bowling Green, KY - 5315 Louisville Rd 42101 (Food and Toys for Children)

We are still very much active through the final 3 days and into January. Please find time to send supplies or give to ring in the New Year!

- United Cajun Navy.

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United Cajun Navy posted a new update:
about 3 years ago

Update #25

United Cajun Navy is operating in Kentucky to help provide relief. We just issued out a email update and are encouraging viewing our Social Media Facebook Page for updates.

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United Cajun Navy posted a new update:
almost 4 years ago

Update #24

SEACOR Update:

United Cajun Navy continues to fund fuel for the seaplanes flying in the search efforts. However, the next few days we will be limiting flight time due to forecasting winds. The search efforts will start including the use of shrimp boats to aid in the search of the missing crewman. If anyone or knows of anyone that could assist with searching please reach out to our United Cajun navy shrimp coordinator Christifer DeRouen who is helping to organize the search and coordinates of the missing crewman with full support of the missing crewman's family.

This is a MASSIVE search and rescue by United Cajun navy and we need as much assistance as we can get. We are continuing our search efforts today by plane. We will need continued funding for the fuel.

Please go to www.thecajunnavy.org to donate, request assistance or volunteers. We thank all of you for watching, praying and holding with us during this time.

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United Cajun Navy posted a new update:
almost 4 years ago

Update #23

Currently United Cajun Navy is fully deployed in Louisiana in search for a missing LSU Student who disappeared on 4/6/2021. We are searching via helicopters, boats, ATVS, Horses, and over 150 volunteers.

Please check out our Facebook as this story unfolds and we help the family bring back their little girl. We are seeking any support possible to help offset fuel and meals. Right now what we are asking for is prayer if you can not help give. The power of prayer can go along way, especially here.



United Cajun Navy -

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United Cajun Navy posted a new update:
almost 4 years ago

Update #22

Good Morning UCN Community!

Many of you have been asking... How bad was the storm? I can say that it was not as bad as hurricane season! However for the parts of Alabama and Mississippi that got impacted by tornados relief work is already being decided on and logistics are forming.

Urgent Relief Needs:
Food/Water/Medical Supplies. If you want to even send us a box of Band-Aids that would great!

Major Organization Request:
We lost our forklift due to damage! We have a URGENT need for a forklift if one can be donated that is great and we can arrange pickup ANYWHERE in the USA! If your business or friends may be able to sponsor us in obtaining a forklift it will be dedicated with logos on it and get widespread attention every disaster! The average cost of a used forklift is 11,000 to 16,000. Please reach out to your friends, family, businesses, and other charities to see if we can have this need filled ASAP!


Operations Team

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United Cajun Navy posted a new update:
almost 4 years ago

Update #21

Our volunteers are pulling over assisting with pulling cars out and getting survivors where they need to go safely. We are running low on funds for gas and hotels. This is at no costs to our volunteers. States we are in PA, WV, OH, TN, TX, LA, MS, AL, FL, NC
THIS IS WHAT WE DISTRIBUTED IN THE LAST WEEK. 192,000 children jackets, 22,000 blankets, 282 pallets of water, 20,000 pounds of cooked ground beef, over half a million pounds of non perishable foods, 200,000 of face masks, 50,000 bottles of hand sanitizer, 150,000 pounds of gloves, cooked over 25,000 pounds of food such as jambalaya, tacos and sloppy joe’s. As well as delivering life saving medicine to over 120 medicinal facilities. Our volunteers are pulling over assisting with pulling cars out and getting survivors where they need to go safely. We are running low on funds for gas and hotels. This is at no costs to our volunteers! These donations are depleting our warehouse as well. If you are able to donate even a pack of water it would help in anyway. We are also looking for volunteers to make runs! Please lets push through some additional funding for this mission if possible!

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United Cajun Navy posted a new update:
almost 4 years ago

Update #20

United Cajun Navy delivered warm clothing today in Twin Falls Idaho to help several children in need of warmth! Also what is in the works.. We are currently looking for food items to distribute in Texas and Louisiana. Some residents are still waiting for power to be restored however most of the temperatures are rising above freezing so we are starting to look better!

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United Cajun Navy posted a new update:
almost 4 years ago

Update #19

We are in several towns in Texas and Louisiana.. so many we are unable to write them all here!! We are doing emergency heating, feeding and of course delivering medical supplies.. Also teaching people to make makeshift heaters safely... please check out our fully update at:

We are in desperate need of funding for this. We are spending thousands in fuel for our volunteers to get to places with supplies and medical needs. Please help if you can guys! This is the strangest storm we ever seen down south.

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United Cajun Navy posted a new update:
about 4 years ago

Update #17

United Cajun Navy is attempting to locate any space heaters in Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi. The posted map shows the extremely dangerous freezing temperatures currently being experienced across those states. Factor this with the over 2 Million residents that currently do not have power its a very serious situation. United Cajun Navy has generators and gasoline but lacks the heaters to deploy for those in need. IF you have a heater that you can offer please let us know by by our website: www.TheCajunNavy.org or our Facebook www.Facebook.com/UnitedCajunNavy

All funds received 2/15 through 2/18 will go towards Amazon Prime orders for Blankets and Heaters for this Winter Emergency.

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United Cajun Navy posted a new update:
about 4 years ago

Update #16

Operation Jolo, WV.

Through the tunnels of West Virginia we maked a journey unlike no other.

Jolo, WV residing in McDowell County is plagued with high unemployment after the decline of the coal industry, McDowell County’s population has dwindled from nearly 100,000 in 1950 to around 19,000 today. The government deems McDowell County to be the poorest in the nation, as well as the place with the lowest life expectancy due to high smoking and obesity rates. In the past 15 years, the opioid epidemic in this region has killed more people than anywhere else in the nation, except in neighboring Wyoming County.
We provided a glimmer of hope providing the children, who most are raised by grandparents and living in places you would only see in 3rd world countries... new winter jackets and pants, water, tarps, tools and a few pairs of work gloves. Seeing first hand the immediate attention this area needs, United Cajun Navy will be going back with additional supplies.

I can not put into words the feelings and thoughts while UCN was on the ground. There is no cellular service for miles the area is surrounded by mountains the size of sky scrapers. Shacks in the side of the hills and the bottom of the ravines are the only signs of life. It was asked why residents do not move out of the area and what we where told just made my wife tear up.. Most of the population has the education of 3rd graders with many not having the ability to read. Where would they be able to go? For most of the residents this is life. Our plans for this in 2021 will be to provide food, refurbished computers, and additional building supplies to the Family Worship Center ran by Pastor Charlie Rose.

We need help funding transportation and supply. If you are interested in donating items or even going to the town to help please email [email protected]

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United Cajun Navy posted a new update:
about 4 years ago

Update #15

With 9 days to go to hit out 100K mark we are asking everyone to offer one last final push on this giving campaign. Please share it out with everyone you know! Currently UCN is doing not only Christmas in Louisiana, Alabama and Florida but we have been actively doing search and rescue to help find Zeb Hughes, 21, and Gunner Palmer, 16, who went missing after launching their boat in the waters for a duck hunting trip.

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United Cajun Navy posted a new update:
about 4 years ago

Update #14

We have purchased so far 1 gaylord of toys for children in need. We would like to get 5 more to meet the need. Time is running out for our goal so if you can help please do!

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United Cajun Navy posted a new update:
about 4 years ago

Update #13

United Cajun Navy, as you know has been busy providing meals for the Holidays to those in need. If you have not caught the news tonight on WAFB please check out this link:


We have a special place in our heart for this family! Please help us to bring her along with many others a very special Christmas by donating for toys, food, and supplies!

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United Cajun Navy posted a new update:
about 4 years ago

Update #12

Blessing a few hundred with Frozen Turkeys and Meals for the Holidays! Please help us to provide for these families that have been through not just 1 hurricane but 3 in 2020.

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United Cajun Navy posted a new update:
about 4 years ago

Update #11

Immediate Attention Needed!! It appears our last update with the link to our christmas drive did not get posted correctly! Please if you are able to donate either donate here on this drive or goto our website directly at www.UnitedCajunNavy.org or TheCajunNavy.org and hit Donate. As of 11/20/2020 all funds on our project are being directed to this years toy drive and food assistance for the holidays.

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