5 Mexican Manufacturing Cities with Exceptional Quality

5 Mexican Manufacturing Cities with Exceptional Quality

From Zulfqar Chachar

Mexico has long been one of the world's manufacturing powerhouses that has been manufacturing and exporting products ranging from textiles and medical devices to aerospace and automotive components to various internat...

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Mexico has long been one of the world's manufacturing powerhouses that has been manufacturing and exporting products ranging from textiles and medical devices to aerospace and automotive components to various international markets.

This large country boasts numerous manufacturing and industrial zones that each come with their specificities. These manufacturing centers differ in many aspects from industrial real estate and labor availability and prices to logistical and transportation infrastructure so they attract different types of businesses according to the investors' needs and priorities.

One of the aspects that is sometimes overlooked is the quality of life in these cities, so in this article we will focus on that and try to shed some light on Mexican manufacturing hubs that are considered to have the best quality of life. These are not rated in any particular order, they are just the five cities that stand out above the rest, and all have equally exceptional quality of life.


Monterrey, the jewel of Northern Mexico, lies in the country’s northeast. This city, established in the late XVI. century which was known as “the city of mountains”, is now an industrial and manufacturing powerhouse that has been attracting investors from across the world.

Besides industry, the city boasts stunning natural scenery, a well-developed educational sector, and is considered to be a cultural hub, with a developed culinary, music, and arts scene to cater to various tastes.

With its rich history and amazing natural scenery, visitors and residents can go for a day trip to one of the many worthy spots in the Sierra Madre Oriental mountain range, and walk Monterrey cobblestone streets amongst the old colonial architecture before dining amazing local cuisine in a five-star restaurant in the evening.


Mazatlan, known as “the Pearl of the Pacific”, was founded in the early XVI. century, but has only seen real growth with the development of its port facilities in the 1820s which has seen a huge rise in international trade.

The city is a manufacturing hub that attracts investment from multiple sectors, and the quality of life within the city only adds to the logistical and labor benefits of Mazatlan.

With its natural beauty, amazing sea-washed shores and beaches, calm climate, and clean air, Mazatlan is much more than a growing manufacturing hub. In fact, the city was first established as a tourism hot spot almost a hundred years ago and has only recently been growing more industrial and it now boasts many industrial parks and individual factories that will continue to drive the city’s economy forward.


Guadalajara is Mexico’s technology and invention hub and this has earned it the nickname of “Mexico’s Silicon Valley”. The city is home to multiple multinational corporations and startups which thrive on innovation and entrepreneurship. Its universities and educational institutions foster this growth with a special focus on related programs and courses.

It is not all about technology in Guadalajara, as the city has a rich history and still maintains a traditional charm with its historic architecture, lively plazas, and rich cultural heritage. Dining and nightlife options in the city are abundant and range from traditional dining to modern restaurants that you may find in any metropolis in the world.

There are numerous art exhibitions, music festivals, and community events, which enrich the city’s social fabric and add to the feeling of community. Guadalajara has often been ranked highly amongst the best places for expats in Mexico.


Tijuana owes much of its industrial development to its geographical position which gives it strategic advantages, proximity to international markets being the biggest one. It is the television manufacturing capital of the world, but the city also produces and exports everything from aerospace components to medical devices. Despite the large number of maquiladoras in the city, the city still has a great quality of life.

Be it its beaches, developed recreational capacities, bustling art scene, or numerous festivals and events, the city offers plenty of options for relaxation and enjoyment.

The unique blend of cultures in the city makes it a very vibrant, interesting, and enjoyable place to live.


Santiago de Querétaro is another strong business and economic center that offers its residents a high quality of life. The city has low costs of living and excellent healthcare and educational institutions. Its well-preserved colonial architecture, with the notable pink cantera stone aqueduct, and lush greenery make it a lovely and peaceful place to live. Like all the other cities on the list, it also offers a vibrant nightlife, plenty of daytrip opportunities, and an amazing culinary scene.

It is one of the fastest-growing cities in Mexico and it has been attracting significant investment into its manufacturing sector since the 1990s.


Living in an industrial and manufacturing hub doesn’t necessarily have to lower your quality of life as these five Mexican cities continue to prove each year. These cities have mastered the art of making money while still having fun and enjoying life, which means that their residents can enjoy a high quality of life with plentiful jobs and business opportunities around. 

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