Africa Mission Trip

Africa Mission Trip

From Chad Freeman

I have been asked to go with my pastor to Africa to document this evangelism crusade. To do this, I need the Lord to provide $5000 to cover my travel, food, lodging, and some equipment.

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Update #2

over 2 years ago

Today's Request:
We are still seeking financial support for the trip. I have $2000 left to raise. Every $10, $20 or more helps me reach the goal of full support. Please feel free to share my campaign with your friends and family:

Request #2:
Please pray for health and clarity. Having served on the mission field for nearly 18 years, I know how easy it is to get sick. There is so much to do in such a short time, we tend to forget about taking care of ourselves. Please pray that the Lord will keep us healthy and keep our minds clear and focused on him.

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God is moving in Africa in amazing ways. Villagers are being healed, being set free from demon possession, meeting Jesus and going on to boldly proclaiming his name in some of the darkest places. 

I have been asked to go with my pastor to Africa. He and our African missionary partner will lead an evangelism crusade for ten days in November. My pastor asked me to use my photo/video/web skills to document what God is doing in these villages, promote the work in Tanzania, and encourage current partners and supporters through live streams, web, and social media posts. To do this, I need the Lord to provide $4000. These dollars will cover my travel, food, lodging, and some equipment that is necessary for me to do this job. 

There are two ways that you can join in this ministry with me as I prepare to serve:

  • Pray for me. We will be going to spiritually dark places. Please ask God to protect, embolden, and lead us each step of the way.
  • Pray for my physical strength or complete healing. I still struggle with chronic pain on a day basis. 
  • Financial support. If you feel called to support the work God is doing in Tanzania, please prayerfully consider making a donation. I am responsible for raising the $4000 it will cost for me to go on this trip. Your support will enable me to do what God has called me to do. Please share this link with those in your church or small group. Your prayers are crucial for this trip. As Oswald Chambers wrote, “Prayer does not equip us for greater works; it is the greater work.”

Thank you so much for considering to support me through prayer and/or a financial gift. I look forward to joining God’s work in Tanzania. If you are interested in keeping up with the trip and what God is doing or you want to commit to pray each day we are there, I will be sending out daily updates though my Facebook group. You can request to join the group at

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Chad Freeman posted a new update:
over 2 years ago

Update #2

Today's Request:
We are still seeking financial support for the trip. I have $2000 left to raise. Every $10, $20 or more helps me reach the goal of full support. Please feel free to share my campaign with your friends and family:

Request #2:
Please pray for health and clarity. Having served on the mission field for nearly 18 years, I know how easy it is to get sick. There is so much to do in such a short time, we tend to forget about taking care of ourselves. Please pray that the Lord will keep us healthy and keep our minds clear and focused on him.

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Chad Freeman posted a new update:
over 2 years ago

Update #1

God is moving in Africa in amazing ways. Villagers are being healed, being set free from demon possession, meeting Jesus and going on to boldly proclaiming his name in some of the darkest places. 

I have been asked to go with my pastor to Africa. He and our African missionary partner will lead an evangelism crusade for ten days in November. My pastor asked me to use my photo/video/web skills to document what God is doing in these villages, promote the work in Tanzania, and encourage current partners and supporters through live streams, web, and social media posts. To do this, I need the Lord to provide $4000. These dollars will cover my travel, food, lodging, and some equipment. 

There are two ways that you can join in this ministry with me as I prepare to serve:

* Pray for me. We will be going to spiritually dark places. Please ask God to protect, embolden, and lead us each step of the way.
* Pray for my physical strength or complete healing. I still struggle with chronic pain on a day basis. 
* Financial support. If you feel called to support the work God is doing in Tanzania, please prayerfully consider making a donation. I am responsible for raising the $4000 it will cost for me to go on this trip. Your support will enable me to do what God has called me to do. Please share this link with those in your church or small group. Your prayers are crucial for this trip. As Oswald Chambers wrote, “Prayer does not equip us for greater works; it is the greater work.”

Thank you so much for considering to support me through prayer and/or a financial gift. I look forward to joining God’s work in Tanzania. If you are interested in keeping up with the trip and what God is doing or you want to commit to pray each day we are there, I will be sending out daily updates though my Facebook group. You can request to join the group at

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