Black Queer & Intersectional Collective Safe Space

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Black Queer & Intersectional Collective Safe Space

From Black Queer & Intersectional Collective

We have a dream to purchase land and build sustainable safe spaces for our community while having a temporary safe space for Black LGBTQ+ people to organize, plan our work, grow food, learn, host events, rest, and heal.

Black Queer & Intersectional Collective

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Anonymous commented with a $6 donation:
almost 4 years ago
For the open mic
Laura Horton commented with a $50 donation:
over 4 years ago
Bryan Duncan commented with a $7,500 donation:
over 4 years ago
Donation generated by "Black is Beautiful" beer sales from Nocterra Brewing Co. Part of a nation-wide collaboration.
Anonymous commented with a $50 donation:
over 4 years ago
This donation has been made in the name of Sarris Charlotte Balcerzak, an ardent supporter of equal rights. We love you, Sarris!
Lilian Beck commented with a $100 donation:
over 4 years ago
Raised through contributions made during community yoga offerings
Tynan Krakoff commented with a $271 donation:
over 4 years ago
from SURJ Columbus
Dominic Rocco commented with a $5 donation:
over 4 years ago
Donations from June 20 Virtual Fort Rapids benefit Twitch stream
Izzy DeSantis commented with a $46 donation:
over 4 years ago
Profits from a zine I made!
Nicole Hsiang commented with a $20 donation:
over 4 years ago
for Blyth Barnow’s B-day fundraiser
Todd Atkins-Whitley commented with a $27 donation:
over 4 years ago
Honoring Blythe Barnow's birthday and her compassion for spaces like this!
Connie Hammond commented with a $35 donation:
over 4 years ago
May all your dreams come true!
Matthew McCroskey commented with a $200 donation:
over 4 years ago
Thank you so much for all you do! This is the band Bexley Mom’s matched donations from that Virtual Fort Rapids stream that happened!
Dominic Rocco commented with a $602 donation:
over 4 years ago
PAul HOlden commented with a $15 donation:
over 4 years ago
Keep it Groovy and thanks for what y’all do!
Shannon Mulroy commented with a $30 donation:
over 4 years ago
Thank you!
Lauren Bryant commented with a $46 donation:
over 4 years ago
Anonymous commented with a $22 donation:
over 4 years ago
Supporting you all through the request of SURJ session
Shandi Theil commented with a $54 donation:
over 4 years ago
Meg Galipault commented with a $54 donation:
over 4 years ago
Thanks to SURJ
Nicholas Cacioppo commented with a $38 donation:
over 4 years ago
Hope this helps! From SURL