Cadet Appreciation Dinner

Cadet Appreciation Dinner

From Doug Hudson

West Point Parents Club of Washington is raising money to host a 2nd Cadet Appreciation Dinner (CAD) at West Point for the Washington State Cadets.

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Update #2

about 5 years ago

Hit 25% of our goal! Thank you to all that have supported our Cadets for this event that they really look forward to.

More Info

Help us continue this greatly appreciated event for our Cadets at West Point during the "grey period".  We provide all Washington State Cadets currently at West Point an evening where they can get an amazing meal & great boodle to boot.  It is an informal event where all the Cadets from Washington State can get a chance to meet one another at an event hall on the West Point campus.  Putting a face to the name & town they are from makes a huge difference in feeling a little more at home.

We don't have much time to fund raise for this event.  So let's hit the goal asap!  And if we go over, we will put that money towards next years event :-)

This was such a great event last year & was what everyone was talking about.  Let's show everyone again what the West Point Parents Club of Washington is all about & how we appreciate our Cadets!

Your donation is tax deductable.

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Doug Hudson posted a new update:
about 5 years ago

Update #2

Hit 25% of our goal! Thank you to all that have supported our Cadets for this event that they really look forward to.

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Doug Hudson posted a new update:
about 5 years ago

Update #1

We've hit 18% of our goal! Please SHARE this fundraiser with your friends so they can share with theirs. Let's keep this momentum going :-)

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