Comics For Courage, Inc.

Comics For Courage, Inc.

From James West

Comic books contain stories of hope, heroism, and courage. Our mission is to provide comic books, and the stories of the heroes contained within, to underprivileged children in the larger New York area.

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The idea for Comics For Courage originally came from the classic Spider-Man story, "The Kids Who Collects Spider-Man." In it, Spider-Man visits a young boy who is Spidey's #1 fan. After revealing his secret identity and his back story to the young boy, Spider-Man swings away from his window. It's revealed to the reader that the child is in a hospital and only has weeks to live. It's a story of pure heroism of the quiet kind - no explosions, no bad guys, just a hero taking the time out to do what's right. In our world, we don't have super heroes or super villains, only each other and the common enemies we face every day. Super heroes and their stories lend hope and inspiration to all, but none more than children. Unfortunately, for the underprivileged children among us, they may not have the means or access to these stories. Especially around the holidays, these kids could use these stories of hope - and courage - the most. Help us get comic books, and the stories of goodwill, hope, and triumphing over adversity contained within them, to the kids who need them.

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