Cozy Comforts for Kids

Cozy Comforts for Kids

From Jason Quadrino

For my Mitzvah project, I’m raising money to buy new, cozy comforters for children living in the residential treatment program at the Pleasantville, NY JCCA.

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For my Mitzvah project, I’m raising money to buy new, cozy comforters for children living in the residential treatment program at the Pleasantville JCCA.  I learned about how important this program is from my mom who has been volunteering there for 8 years. I feel really bad for the children who can't live with their families in their own homes, and I want to do something to help them, with your support. I know I'm lucky to have a loving family, but sadly, these children don’t have that same luck. They need comforters—something we might take for granted but is really important for them.

With your help, we can give these children the warmth and comfort they deserve. My family and I will be visiting the school in the fall to ask the children what they would like. Thank you so much for helping make a difference in their lives. Together, we can help them feel loved and valued. Please help me bring comfort and joy to their lives by donating.

Thank you!

Jason Quadrino

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