"Journey of 1000 miles begin with one Step, This is our Step."
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"Your generosity will help us put this movie in theater and make it an unforgettable night for the Community.
We have worked very hard to make this film. Thank you for your support to come. We are building dreams where there is none. Growing up in the Hmong community, film making was never something you can do for a living. Despite that we still work very hard, many sleepless night, sweat, growling stomach.
We are Fundraising to Show This Awesome Film in Theaters. To show the hard work of today's New Generation. All funding will go to proving t- shirts, advertisement, Theater release of this Film. Anything make there after will go to building an everlasting Video Production dedicated to improve tell our stories, sharing our culture, and preserving our Time.
We are planning to show this film in Minnesota and Fresno, Ca.
You will be helping to promote many rising stars and encouraging others still to come.
Yes we were Doubted by many, and yes we have lost more resource than what we seek, but WE WILL BE AN INSPIRATION FOR THOSE TO COME. These Will be our stories, told about our values, our culture, tradition, In our times.
"Journey of 1000 miles begin with one Step. "
For More our video works visit : www.youtube.com/tshajlijpro
or message me on Facebook: TshajlijPro
Website coming soon
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