Devoted single dad, a 3-Year-Old son, and financial problems

Devoted single dad, a 3-Year-Old son, and financial problems

From William M.

I'm urgently raising money to catch up on bills and support my 3 year old son. I have quality work experience but the job market has been extremely rough on me and I'm simply looking to make ends meet.

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More Info

Dear friends, family, and kind strangers,

I am reaching out with a heartfelt plea for assistance. My name is Bill, and I am a dedicated father to my wonderful 3-year-old son, Bill Jr. Like many, we have been through challenging times, but right now, our situation is dire, and we need your help.

A Brief Background

I have always been a hardworking individual, with over 10 years of experience in my field and an MBA to my name. I have dedicated my career to sales, consistently striving to provide the best for my family. However, despite my efforts and qualifications, I find myself in an unexpected and challenging position: I am struggling to secure employment. The job market has been exceptionally tough, and despite countless applications and perseverance, I haven’t even been able to land an interview.

The Impact

This lack of employment has hit me/us hard. I have always prided myself on being able to take care of my son and ensure he has everything he needs, but right now, I am struggling to pay even the most basic bills. The stress and worry of not being able to provide for him has been overwhelming. Every parent wants to give their child the best start in life, and I am no different. But right now, I need your help to make that happen.

Our Immediate Needs

To get back on our feet, we need to raise $5,500. This will help cover our immediate bills (past due and current through June) as I continue my search for employment. Here’s a breakdown of our expenses:

  • Rent: May/June $2,500
  • Car Note: April/May/June $1175
  • Childcare: May/June – $1800
  • Car Insurance: April/May/June $925
  • Utilities: April/May/June $600

How You Can Help

Your support, no matter how small, will make a world of difference for us. If you are unable to contribute financially, sharing our story with your network would mean the world to us. Every bit of support brings us one step closer to stability and provides a lot of positivity in my job search.

Our Gratitude

Words cannot fully express the gratitude Bill Jr. and I feel for any assistance you can provide. Your generosity and kindness are beacons of hope in a challenging time. I promise to pay forward your kindness once I am back on my feet, and I look forward to the day I can share the news of a new job and stability for my son and me.

Thank you for taking the time to read our story and for considering to help us in this time of need.

With deepest gratitude,

Bill & Bill Jr.

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