The Freedom/Slave Bond is worth $1,000,000 (the total earnings of a high school graduate) that is required for U.S. citizens to buy and provide newborn children (certified parenting) a 90 year (one lifetime) plan.
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I know in Christianity, there's the commandment, "Thou Shall Not Worship Any Gods Besides Thee." I remember, that was a big deal and other religions when I was a kid, sounded way different (pagan religions to me), especially Hinduism that has 2.5 million Gods. A God, in its raw definition is something with leverage (a ratio), and we see it usually as size. If you measured skill, it would be Godlike. The arguments in Christianity is that Jesus is actually an idol. Its very clear in the 10 commandments, "Thou Shall Not Worship Any Gods Besides Thee." If you hate someone and they have the right answer, you have to at least bow/respect to the Lord in them (you can't throw stones). The Virgin Mary in the Protestant Christian denomination, she is considered an idol. She's barely mentioned in the bible and mentioned more often in the Quran (70 times). The holy trinity of THECCOO is 1 God of Abraham, The Many Gods of Egypt and All Religions and No God/The Abrahamic Sciences and the interconnectedness of all sciences, omniscience/God. God is all 3 as one unity of universal order. To deny God is to deny truth. Buddhism says, "Don't believe in anything, not even the words I am saying. This was written by Buddha himself!.......get it? You can only MELD, when you receive information, Meditate on it/God, Experience it/God, Learn more about it/God (read the Dharma/Truth), Discuss it/God.
What's a church? Its a set of beliefs. Our mission at THECCOO is to educate people about Christian-Buddhism through our online church. We have the ambitions to make it a VR Church that is universally available, providing basic needs (through THE FREEDOM/SLAVE BOND in the KARMONY project) and infinite wealth from the gifts of God. The Freedom/Slave Bond is worth $1,000,000 (the total earnings of a high school graduate) that is required for U.S. citizens to buy and provide newborn children (certified parenting) a 90 year (one lifetime) financial plan coordinated with everyone else in the U.S. Its a digital agreement and a donation cryptocurrency. All you have to do is hold onto this bond similar to just sitting in a house, that is paying itself off (Leveraged Buyouts). The U.S. government should've bought all of those in slavery, their freedom, through a Freedom Bond (Bonds/promissory notes were available in the 1700's). There's no better deal than your money back from a slave bond issued by the government or private investors that we could have gave in the 1800's. They could have kept their farm businesses, instead of God's Wrath (angry people that want to stone you) destroying them. God doesn't judge you only the people throwing stones. We all suffer if someone gets a stone thrown at them.
Our main goal is to pay our followers, or whoever wants to read the undeniable, irrefutable truth/beauty of the bible. The universal interconnectedness of all sciences is Omniscience/God. Did you know most people believe Buddhism is about not eating? You are actually wrong, its infinitely consuming Buddha/Balance/Yeshua. Buddhism doesn't have any labels, it has no name, you may call it Neo-Christianity, we are just studying universal truth expressed through different looking glasses. The Old Testament is 900 pages, the New Testament is 500-600 pages. The Quran is 600 pages, the Bhagavad Gita is 700 pages. The Pali Canon, the Buddhist bible is 80,000 pages, the same as the US Tax Code. THECCOO's Dharma/Bible is infinitely paged for God's infinite complexity.
There's 45,000 denominations of Christianity, how about another one! In fact, you are your own unique Christianity. We don't all interpret the bible the same, we have different perspectives. You may not even read it, illiterate to the bible and call yourself a Christian, but bout a lesson right now. What are the 10 commandments? Do you know the 10 commandments? Are you a Christian? Did you create a new Christian religion, that doesn't know the 10 commandments? I WILL STONE YOU LIKE JESUS! THROWING THE BIBLE AT YOU!
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