Help Freedom Truck

Help Freedom Truck

From Anne Grainger

Support for Paul, the driver of the Freedom Truck. While participating in the peaceful march, he had his window smashed, pepper sprayed, and later arrested, then vehicle seized. Funds will be for legals & costs.

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Update #8

about 1 month ago

Interview on the White Rabbit Podcast with Dr William Bay!
Have a look here...

Trial listed for Feb 3rd... but current estimates are up to 20 days in the Supreme Court and as much as $200,000 for Paul's legal team to run the defence! This puts Paul & his team in a tough position desperately needing to raise a lot of funds in a short space of time.
Please keep sharing this to everyone you can.

>> P.S. A tip re 'Tips' when donating - The Tip amount does not go to Freedom Truck. This is a 'tip' that Fundly take for delivering the service. You can adjust this down lower or override to zero if you like.
* If you have need to contact us, or have an issue with the process here, message on the Facebook page:

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Help Anne raise $235,000 by making a donation.

Anne Grainger posted a new update:
about 1 month ago

Update #13

Interview on the White Rabbit Podcast with Dr William Bay!
Have a look here...

Trial listed for Feb 3rd... but current estimates are up to 20 days in the Supreme Court and as much as $200,000 for Paul's legal team to run the defence! This puts Paul & his team in a tough position desperately needing to raise a lot of funds in a short space of time.
Please keep sharing this to everyone you can.

>> P.S. A tip re 'Tips' when donating - The Tip amount does not go to Freedom Truck. This is a 'tip' that Fundly take for delivering the service. You can adjust this down lower or override to zero if you like.
* If you have need to contact us, or have an issue with the process here, message on the Facebook page:

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Anne Grainger posted a new update:
8 months ago

Update #10

COURT DATE Vacated... Trial being adjourned from June 24th, to a later date!
This was necessary as Paul's legal team withdrew from the case. Good news is it has possibly been a blessing in disguise as a new Lawyer & Barrister have come on board and they are in it for the long haul! Only down side is the costs are going to be higher, so please keep sharing this story far and wide.
The Supreme Court will decide a new date on the 26th. Update to come then.

Rebel News & Arvi ran a story last week on Paul's ongoing fight for common sense. Has already been viewed over 65,000 times! Check it out here...

>> P.S. A tip re 'Tips' when donating - The Tip amount does not go to Freedom Truck. This is a 'tip' that Fundly take for delivering the service. You can adjust this down lower or override to zero if you like.
* If you have need to contact us, or have an issue with the process here, message on the Facebook page:

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Anne Grainger posted a new update:
over 1 year ago

Update #9

Interview with Hoody, John Larter & Dr Bruce Paix... has received a huge response!
Have click through to watch.
Thanks to everyone for their amazing support in Paul's fight!

>> P.S. A tip re 'Tips' when donating - The Tip amount does not go to Freedom Truck. This is a 'tip' that Fundly take for delivering the service. You can adjust this down lower or override to zero if you like.
* If you have need to contact us, or have an issue with the proccess here, message on the Facebook page:

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Anne Grainger posted a new update:
almost 2 years ago

Update #7

A big thanks to Avi & Rebel News Australia for producing this story on Paul's situation & thanks to Dr Bruce Paix for telling his story - which has many similarities to the fight Paul is going through!
Please share far and wide so Australian's see the challenges people have been, and still are facing...
(Quick link to the Fundly page: )

>> P.S. A tip re 'Tips' when donating - The Tip amount does not go to Freedom Truck. This is a 'tip' that Fundly take for delivering the service. You can adjust this down lower or override to zero if you like.

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Anne Grainger posted a new update:
about 2 years ago

Update #6

Interview with Carl Liebold from Voice of Freedom.

It has been a long and exhausting year with multiple court hearings. At this stage it appears the case will be heard mid 2023.

If you can please share for more awareness of the severity of the situation Paul finds himself.

Thank you for your support

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Anne Grainger posted a new update:
over 2 years ago

Update #5

A big thanks to Cafe Locked Out lastnight.
Paul went along just to hear other stories - didn't expect to be asked up to talk... was then even more surprised that a hat was handed around while he was being interviewed!
So a big thanks to those that put money in the hat! The $388 has been added to this fund!
You can see the interview here (although due to bad internet the live stream wasn't the best, but Audio seems mostly ok)...
(Paul is on at 1hr 20min)
** Additionally a very big thanks to every single person who has been supporting Paul here. It is very much appreciated and Paul passes on his person thanks.
>> P.S. A tip re Tips when donating - The Tip amount does not go to Freedom Truck. This is a 'tip' that Fundly take for delivering the service. You can adjust this down lower or override to zero if you need to.

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Anne Grainger posted a new update:
over 2 years ago

Update #4

We had reports of the Fundly page not loading properly yesterday. This seems to have been resolved now. Aside from that there is it seems an error that dentations being made are not updating the total on the Help Freedom Truck Fundly main page. The funds are getting through regardless and Fundly are investigating the bug.
A huge thankyou to all who have supported Paul and the Freedom Truck.
>> P.S. A tip re Tips when donating - The Tip amount does not go to Freedom Truck. This is a 'tip' that Fundly take for delivering the service. You can adjust this down lower or override to zero if you need to.

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Anne Grainger posted a new update:
over 2 years ago

Update #2

A big thanks to Cafe Locked Out for the interview and helping spread the word on this!

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