Help Us Rebuild A Neighbors Life

Help Us Rebuild A Neighbors Life

From Jeff Mitchell

I am raising money for two very nice and innocent victims who's home exploded on Saturday, March 21 in a gas leak here in Columbus,Ohio. They were away visiting family thankfully but their home and belongings are gone.

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Update #5

over 9 years ago

From Mariko and Jerry-

This is our message to thank everybody who participated your fundraising efforts for us.

"We are so grateful to you all!"

We'd like to tell everybody who is trying to help us how grateful we are for your support.
Yes, it was a huge shock for us in Japan. But also it turns out to be a big blessing in a way.

First of all, we thank God for the miraculous protection of you and of us. Then, we are overwhelmed with your generous support with prayers and gifts.
Like Jeff's fundraising plan, your pouring love and prayers keep giving us comfort and strength.
We are fortunately being well and in good spirit owing greatly to you.
This really is a huge encouragement for us to move on.

For a while we'll be going back and forth to Japan because our family need some help.

Finally, we truly come to believe through this experience the most beautiful part of your culture is to help your neighbors and Friends.

Thank you so very much for your generous support.


More Info

Jerry and Mariko are very kind and happy people and to see this happen to them breaks our hearts. I have worked with them for a few years in helping them build strength to continue the best quality of life they can have practicing exercises to improve Jerry's condition after his stroke and build strength for Mirkio. Each week we meet and the time we spend together is special. The couple are in their 70's and have no family in the US. We must help in any way we can through donating time, efforts if you are a contractor or a few dollars to help them regain some of the belongings lost in the home explosion.

Already we are getting some funds that are going to help Jerry and Miriko regain some of the belongings that may not be covered by any home insurance and neighbors are collection what remains of photos and things not destroyed in this blast. A few contractors have donated time when the rebuild phase starts, but we could really use any donations you can give even if its a few dollars. I spoke with Miriko by email today and they are still in shock to what has happened. They have decided to extend their stay with their son out of the country until living arrangements are made here. I can't imagine what it will be like for them to come back and see what they knew as home and everything gone.. How do you go about putting your life back together in your 70's when everything has been taken from you all at once. I hope these acts of kindness we can all pitch in to raise a fraction of what they lost will help them get back to regular life as soon as they can. Thank you to those who are willing to help. And if one day you need our support we will be there for you as well.


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Jeff Mitchell posted a new update:
over 9 years ago

Update #5

From Mariko and Jerry-

This is our message to thank everybody who participated your fundraising efforts for us.

"We are so grateful to you all!"

We'd like to tell everybody who is trying to help us how grateful we are for your support.
Yes, it was a huge shock for us in Japan. But also it turns out to be a big blessing in a way.

First of all, we thank God for the miraculous protection of you and of us. Then, we are overwhelmed with your generous support with prayers and gifts.
Like Jeff's fundraising plan, your pouring love and prayers keep giving us comfort and strength.
We are fortunately being well and in good spirit owing greatly to you.
This really is a huge encouragement for us to move on.

For a while we'll be going back and forth to Japan because our family need some help.

Finally, we truly come to believe through this experience the most beautiful part of your culture is to help your neighbors and Friends.

Thank you so very much for your generous support.


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Jeff Mitchell posted a new update:
over 9 years ago

Update #4

Just to update everyone on our awesome efforts to help these neighbors/friends in need... I am happy to say we reached 25% of our goal and I will now be closing the fundraiser. This has been extremely helpful to Jerry and Mariko and I am very grateful to be a part of the efforts. Thank you so much to everyone who donated! Jerry and Mariko have returned to the US early to begin the process of rebuilding their life. During our training session this past week, it was difficult to talk about all that has happened but they are very strong and in good spirits despite the situation.They brought a few pictures of their family from the explosion site to share with me. These photos were collected by neighbors and turned into the local police dept. They tell me they are planning to rebuild and not move to a condo because how close they feel to the neighborhood. They want me to extend a thank you to all who have helped in this effort. Tomorrow I will be meeting with them for lunch at their favorite Japanese resturatnt and will be presenting them a check from all of our donations. They will be departing again to Japan until the end of next month to start the building phase. Thank you everyone!

Jeff Mitchell
Future Physique

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Jeff Mitchell posted a new update:
over 9 years ago

Update #3

Jerry and Mariko will be back to UA by the end of this week to start arranging plans for the next step in rebuilding thier life here in Columbus. I am hoping to see themearly next week to present them with all the support we have helped to provide. Looking forwrd to seeing them at the same time sad it is under these conditions.

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Jeff Mitchell posted a new update:
over 9 years ago

Update #2

I just got off the phone with Mariko after a very sad conversation. I could tell she was in tears but she is a very strong little woman.. With all that has been lost she was only thankful the neighbors and gas company was not harmed. We talked about all the kind people who have donated to help support the disaster and she is very thankful to every one in the community. She said " Its hard to believe that when they return there will be no spoon or fork"....and this brings tears to my eyes...the things we all take for granite sometimes... yes insurance will help for the big stuff but not for the little things we use every day.. And the car that was in the garage was the only one and they just paid 2000.00 out of pocket to get it fixed now it is ash and metal.
Here is the link to the dash cam of a cruiser the incident

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Jeff Mitchell posted a new update:
over 9 years ago

Update #1

Wow Thank you to every one. I can't wait to present this awesome collaboration of loving donations from all of our community. We have hit 10% of our goal and I hope it keeps climbing. There will be lots of expenses updating and repurchasing personal items not covered in the blast like groceries,personal products, shower curtains,bowls, plates, we all know there are home policies but it will not cover everything that we all sometime take for granite. I can look around my room and see things that would not be covered that would add up fast. And many other items they will need to replace like clothing, the car that they just paid 2000.00 dollars to have fixed LAST WEEK!!! Or having money to purchase weekly items like fuel, and other things we all do not think of... Think of if this was you needing to start over rebuilding all the things you have in your life....Please send to at least 20 friends to continue the awareness of this horrible situation I hope none of us have to go through.

Thank you for your support you all are making the difference here not me...
-Jeff Mitchell-
Their friend and personal trainer
Future Physique

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