Help Maureen Tell Her Story

Help Maureen Tell Her Story

Fundraising for:
Help Writers Tell Their Story
Team Captain:
Maureen Maloof

From Help Maureen Tell Her Story

Maureen has won a scholarship to the Story Summit in October. She still needs help raising the remaining tuition. Help Maureen realize her dream.

Storyteller Foundation

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About The Team

I am asking for you to help me by donating so I can attend the Cape Cod Story Summit in October. Any amount you can help with would be appreciated. 

I have always had a passion to travel and loved and connected with children. I have visited over 40 countries including Peru, Tibet, Morocco, Spain, Portugal, and Nepal, to name a few.

I have a degree in Accounting and went on to get my MBA in Finance. After working many years in corporate America I never really felt fulfilled. I knew I had to do something to make a difference in the lives of others, but wasn’t sure how.

My idea was created when I began traveling and visiting schools and orphanages around the world.  These children tugged at my heart and I wanted to do something to make a difference. I invited my sister to travel with me to Peru and Fiji where we had an amazing time with the children. The children were proud of their schoolwork and so happy to be in school.

I always came back wanting to help these kids, and now I am doing something about it. The idea came from realizing that there was such poverty in these countries that children would stay home just to help the family get water, or work to provide food for the family.  The cost of a mandatory uniform is something they could not afford, so many children were not attending school.  I got busy with work, and figured someone else would do it. I figured how much can one person do? It would be hard, and too much work. So I put it on the back burner. Uniforms and the children always stayed in my mind. At one point I did try to start the project up but nothing worked out and all the doors kind of closed for me. I reignited my passion for the idea and decided I needed to start the organization to make a difference in the lives for the next generation.  

One year ago, I founded, a nonprofit organization, whose vision is to empower children worldwide and provide them with uniforms so they will be able to attend school. This problem is huge, because uniforms are mandatory in schools overseas, and there are over 260 million children not attending school simply because they can’t afford a uniform.

Over the last year, I have written many stories about the children, my travels, and realized that is the only way to share this information to the world through compelling storytelling. This Story Summit is the answer to my prayer to be able to get help from such experts and powerful writers. This could be a pivotal moment to catapult my nonprofit forward.

Thank you for your help!!

More Info


We believe in imagination.

From the beginning, it was always the word. Through the unique ability to imagine and connect to one another through words, humankind stepped into greatness.

We know story changes lives.

Had it not been for Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables, our hearts may never have known compassion for the poor.

We know story activates positive social change.

Had it not been for  Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin, there may have never have been a civil rights movement.

We have watched story transform community.

Had it not been for Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, A Ghost Story, there may never have been the charitable component associated with the holiday.

We believe in encouraging the storyteller.

We need one another. Had Ernest Hemingway not encouraged J.D. Salinger, there may never have been The Catcher in the Rye

We are committed to helping storytellers find their audience.

The writer’s life can be lonely, so it is important to connect them with professionals who can support them in their storytelling and a lifetime of stories.


We see people, not writers. We are inspired by their passion and their willingness to give themselves up for their story.

We see equal value in all writers. We are dedicated to improving the lives of every storyteller we work with.

We build partnerships around the world with like-minded dreamers interested in building a better tomorrow through the future of storytelling.


The Mission of the Storyteller Foundation is to elevate the human experience through stories that inspire and encourage.

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