Hunger, Health, Housing: Restoring Hope

Hunger, Health, Housing: Restoring Hope

From Greg Bullard

Our goal on this campaign is $5,000 but we know that $150,000 will provide 1,500,000 meals, 20,000 Dr visits, housing assistance, or a combination of these over 30 years.

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Update #1

over 10 years ago

PLease help impact hunger, health, and housing within the community by giving to this campaign. Every $1 will make a hug impact on someone's life as we not only give them a helping hand, but also as we help them learn the skills they need to sustain life in a way that is hopeful, and is not impoverished. Check it out:

More Info

“Are you hungry?” that is the only question that really matters.  While it is the only question they are asked in getting food from Covenant Cupboard, it is not the only one they are asked elsewhere.  Too many are asked about their relationship status, their faith, their sexual orientation, and so many other questions that have no bearing on the need they have.

Covenant Cupboard is the food pantry and assistance program at Covenant of the Cross, which is becoming a non-profit to access more resources to help more people reach toward, and attain, a sustainable life.  While, as Jesus said, we “will always have the poor among us,” we can address the most debilitating aspects of those hard working people who are in poverty, but need not be impoverished (there is a difference between being poor and being impoverished).

In 2013 we helped over 4,000 with food, medical needs, or housing assistance (including basic utilities such as electric & water.)  After years of working with this we have figured out it takes between 6 months and 1 year to transition to a self-sustaining life, and most only need the help of the food, or medical care, to make that happen.  And in the last recession we learned that at the time more people need help, there are fewer resources to help with the transition.

So how will we do that then?  Your donation allows us to utilize a special part of the law for non-profits that allows a organization to make tax free money from rents paid on a piece of property – as long as that property is debt free.  We have one property targeted now, but each property that can be bought for $150,000 will return, conservatively, around $395,000 over 30 years (That is what is cleared after all expenses are deducted for maintenance, etc.).  That is an after expense return of about $2.66 for every $1 (dollar) donated.

Yet, it does not stop at just 30 years, as the deed on any property will be setup where it must always be used to provide the most pressing of the three needs: Hunger, Health, and/or Housing until the earth is destroyed.  (Please choose your favorite apocalypse here: Zombie Attack, Jesus returns, asteroid strikes the earth, etc.)  So we are really talking about a legacy investment that helps people for hundreds of years.

To facilitate a quick beginning this campaign is being ran through a separate fund at Covenant of the Cross, until all of the paperwork has been approved by the IRS.  So your tax receipt will be from Covenant of the Cross, but designated to beginning this social enterprise.  We will keep you posted as soon as the IRS completes it’s work, and keep you informed about how you have impacted the lives of many people.

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Greg Bullard posted a new update:
over 10 years ago

DId you know that 1 in 3 LGBT people will go to bed hungry tonight?

PLease help impact hunger, health, and housing within the community by giving to this campaign. Every $1 will make a hug impact on someone's life as we not only give them a helping hand, but also as we help them learn the skills they need to sustain life in a way that is hopeful, and is not impoverished. Check it out:

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