Kelly's Holistic Healing

Kelly's Holistic Healing

From Courtney Harden

Dear friends and family, We are reaching out in desperation. Please help us raise money for Kelly's holistic cancer treatments that will not be covered by insurance.

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Update #8

about 11 years ago

We've just reached 21% of our total goal!!! Thank you all! We appreciate it SO much!

More Info

      My mother, Kelly Maigaard, was diagnosed with leiomyosarcoma in 2009.  She has gone through many different chemos, a major surgery, and multiple small procedures over the years to keep the "purple dragon" (as her cancer is nicknamed) at bay.  Her cancer is both rare and aggressive.  She was labeled stage 3 immediately upon learning of the kind of cancer she battled, and after the first spread has been labeled stage 4 ever since.  The cancer is rare enough that even her oncologists are often baffled.  

      Alongside her chemo she has used a healthy diet to aid in her healing with quite a bit of success.  A few of the options she has are Vitamin C IV's, juicing, oils, raw eating, supplements - all of which are quite expensive to maintain.  One Vitamin C IV costs $600.  One of her oils costs $100 for two weeks worth.  The insurance won't cover these, even though they seem to work as well or better than chemo.

Two of her chemos have tremendously damaged her heart leaving her extremely tired and dizzy a lot of the time.  Her heart now only functions at 28% (better with meds).  She also has frequent bowel obstructions where a tumor is pressing against her bowel, leaving a narrowing.  She has frequented the hospital recently and insurance won't cover her stays because they were for heart problems - even though the chemo caused the heart problems, insurance refuses to pay.  

She needs a regular dose of supplements and other holistic aids that are simply unaffordable without insurance.

Kelly is the mother of three girls.  I am the oldest, Courtney, 26 years old.  Chelsea is 22. And Chloe, the youngest, is 18.  Chloe has autism and really needs her mom to stick around.  Kelly also has 4 grandchildren - Haven, 5, Parker, 2, Carter, 2, and Asa, 5 months.

Please consider donating.  Even a small amount like $5 will help.  You may leave your name or donate anonymously.  Thank you for caring about my mother.  We love you all.


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Courtney Harden posted a new update:
about 11 years ago

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We've just reached 21% of our total goal!!! Thank you all! We appreciate it SO much!

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Courtney Harden posted a new update:
over 11 years ago

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We've raised $1940 since we began this fundraiser about two weeks ago. Can't believe we're only $60 away from $2000! Almost 1/5 to our goal!

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Courtney Harden posted a new update:
over 11 years ago


Since we began our fundraiser last week we have raised $1820!!! My mom has been able to buy a month's worth of supplements, oils, and other items she needs. Our goal is $10,000 and we are a little over 18% of the way there. Please share our fundly page to help us reach that goal so that we can help fund my mom's cancer treatment for longer. Thank you!

Help me reach my campaign goal on #Fundly! You can donate as much or little as you want. Check it out:

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Courtney Harden posted a new update:
over 11 years ago

What you've done for Kelly (so far)

Friends & Fam,

I thought I would give you an update on what your donations have already been able to purchase:
Essential oils -
Sacred Frankincense
Citrus Fresh
Cinnamon Bark

Beyond Turmeric
EPX Sea Veg

Plus more that have not officially been purchased yet (these are just the ones I have receipts for so far).

I am so beyond words by your generosity. Thank you so much. Please consider sharing our story with your friends so that we can hopefully get a new flow of donations as our first resources are almost spent. Thank you once again!

Courtney and Kelly

Help me reach my campaign goal on #Fundly! You can donate as much or little as you want. Check it out:

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Courtney Harden posted a new update:
over 11 years ago

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We reached $1000 in less than 24 hours. Our new goal is $10,000. How quickly do you think we can reach it?

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Courtney Harden posted a new update:
over 11 years ago

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We are only $70 away from hitting our $1000 goal! How loved is my mom?! Our site has been up for less than 24 hrs. We have the BEST friends!

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Courtney Harden posted a new update:
over 11 years ago

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I wrote before because I was excited that we had raised $150. We're now at $550. My goal is set at $1000, and I think I need to raise it!!!!

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Courtney Harden posted a new update:
over 11 years ago

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Our very first day and we've already raised $150 towards my mom's cancer treatments. She also had some supplements donated. Thanks everyone!

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