Literacy-Connect Ghana is seeking for funds to assist in finding solutions to obstacles faced by the girl-child in Mathematics & Science. The solution that has seen dramatic improvement is the Prof. Ferg Educational ...
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Literacy-Connect Ghana is seeking for funds to assist in finding solutions to obstacles faced by the girl-child in Mathematics & Science. The solution that has seen dramatic improvement is the Prof. Ferg Educational Audiovisual Series, which are easy self-tutorial lessons used on television sets, computers, laptops, phones, DVD players, etc. This program is designed to help female students in the Junior and Senior High schools in order to cut down a large number of girls who go in for remedial classes for a re-sit.
We are seeking donations from personalities like you, who would love to play a significant role in the development of our girls in Science and Mathematics. The fund needed is to cover purchases of audio-visual equipment and continuous production of materials for distribution to our Math and Science Clubs that are now emerging from the various schools. The fund will also help in the purchase of gift items for presentation in our Quarterly Math & Science Awards in the beneficiary schools.
The project has become needful as many academically unfortunate girls spend more time and money on re-sitting Mathematics and Science examinations at very high costs. Some student girls have confessed sitting for the same Math and Science papers for more than six times in vain. A lot of girls drop out of school because of their inabilities to tackle mathematics and science, since they are the main criteria for entering into any tertiary institution. Once they are fed up with continuous resitting the discouraged ones jump into anti-social behaviours, such as early marriage, drug abuse, prostitution, streetism, etc.
Thank you for your concern and generosity.
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