Magic Wand Foundation - Youth Empowerment

Magic Wand Foundation - Youth Empowerment

From David Craig

As a board member with Magic Wand, I have committed to raise $5,000 to fund scholarships to assist high achieving but low income youth.

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Leveraging the highly successful 7 Mindsets methodology, The Magic Wand Foundation helps teens all over the world learn to be accountable for the decisions they make and how to live meaningful highly successful lives.

Carol and I have seen first hand the amazing impact the 7 Mindsets have on how teens view themselves and the world-at-large.  The program helps them identify thier passions and gives them the knowledge and inspiration to pursue them.  Our campaign will provide access to teens who do not have the means to participate because of the cost. 

Following is a little bit about the 7 Mindsets:

The 7 Mindsets to Live Your Ultimate Life Methodology is a new paradigm for youth empowerment. While traditional programs focus on skill sets, our research has driven us to the foundational elements of success in life, no matter the chosen vocation. The 7 Mindsets are the distillation of the critical elements that have defined success, happiness, and meaning for people for more than 3500 years. They are the common denominator and the cornerstone of any life of great meaning, joy, and success.

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