Marlee's Mitzvah Project

Marlee's Mitzvah Project

From Aimee Stone

Project Harmony creates spaces in which all people can come together, meet new friends, and experience the joy of making music within community. Many adults with disabilities say that their high school choral group or...

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Anonymous commented with a $36 donation:
over 6 years ago
wonderful job!!
Andy Stone commented with a $60 donation:
over 6 years ago
Go Marlee go! Great job!
The Reiser family commented with a $36 donation:
over 6 years ago
Mazel Tov Marlee! This is awesome! Xo Ali, Dan, gaby, jake & Hayley reiser
Carl Hardy commented with a $100 donation:
over 6 years ago
Mazel tov and Bat Mitzvah from Uncle Carl
Tova Itzkovitz commented with a $54 donation:
over 6 years ago
Great job Marlee!! ??
Joseph Terban commented with a $100 donation:
over 6 years ago
mazel tov and happy Bat mitzvah Papa Joe
Elayne Terban commented with a $100 donation:
over 6 years ago
mazel tov love Auntie Laynie
Judith B Romaine commented with a $36 donation:
over 6 years ago
Great choice. See you there.
Jennifer Tobasky commented with a $18 donation:
over 6 years ago
mazel tov!
Magda Schmalz commented with a $18 donation:
over 6 years ago
go Marlee!!!
Shelley Baker commented with a $118 donation:
over 6 years ago
I am so proud of you, Marlee and I am happy to donate in your honor and in honor of Jeffrey. I love you both very much! Mazel Tov!
Avery Finn commented with a $18 donation:
over 6 years ago
Beautiful job, Marlee!
Amy Fogelman commented with a $18 donation:
over 6 years ago
well done Marlee!