Marlee's Mitzvah Project

Marlee's Mitzvah Project

From Aimee Stone

Project Harmony creates spaces in which all people can come together, meet new friends, and experience the joy of making music within community. Many adults with disabilities say that their high school choral group or...

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Dear Friends and Family,

This year I will be celebrating my Bat Mitzvah. For my mitzvah project, I will be hosting an open mic event. The event is going to be executed with a company called Roman Music Therapy. Roman Music Therapy gives the gift of music to adults and children with disabilities. The people there host open mic events and have private therapy sessions for people with disabilities. The event is for adults and children of all ages with disabilities and those that support them and want to come. It is a very casual way to get together and enjoy the music.

The story behind this project involves my uncle Jeffrey. My uncle and I both share a love of music. My uncle is also developmentally disabled. When Jeffrey attended the events, he enjoyed going up to the stage and singing, dancing to the songs people sang, meeting new friends, and spending time with music. Jeffrey always says how badly he wants to go to the events and it always looks like he is having a blast.

 My family is going to host an open mic event at:

Jammin’ With You

12 Mica Lane, Wellesley Hills

November 9 at 7:00 pm


In order for my family and me to host this event, we need donations of money toward the cost of the space, music therapists and other needs. I am honored to partner with Roman Music Therapy and Jammin’ With You.  Everyone is welcome to attend. All donations are greatly appreciated. You can donate safely through this site.

Thank you for helping to give people that are less capable the opportunity to express their love of music.

Marlee Stone

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