Phi Kappa Tau - Kenyon College Charter

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Phi Kappa Tau - Kenyon College Charter

From Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity

We are a group of men who want to make positive differences in our community, redefine fraternity at Kenyon, and raise each other up as true brothers.

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In October of last year, the next "chapter" of Phi Tau history got started on Kenyon College's campus with three men who took up the challenge of putting a new fraternity in motion at our college. In the year since, three men have become 15, and we were installed as a colony of Phi Kappa Tau in April 2014, becoming Kenyon's first new fraternity in 64 years.

We intend to follow through on our commitments to service, leadership, community betterment, personal growth, and integrity by chartering with Phi Kappa Tau in April 2015. We aim to do fraternity right. This year, some of our efforts include serving the local senior citizens with house and yard work through a partnership with A Hand At Home, fundraising more than $2,000 for Relay for Life, taking a stand against sexual harassment and misconduct through hosting a men's discussion during Take Back the Night, and volunteering at Flying Horse Farms, part of the Serious Fun Children's Network. 

We face some financial challenges with chartering: as Kenyon is a small school, we can't do all our fundraising on campus, and we can't charter with an empty bank account. Your donations will fuel our ambitions of service and positive change and act as scholarships for great men who couldn't otherwise afford the cost of membership. 

Until November 15, we are running a shirt-selling campaign at Bonfire Funds. For $15, you can purchase a PKT t-shirt with one of our original designs: 

We are so grateful for all the assistance you can provide. 

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