Iota Colony's Next Off-Campus Social Event

Iota Colony's Next Off-Campus Social Event

From Hosnel Guerrier

The first $100 will go towards paying for the dues of all members of the Iota Colony of Phi Sigma Chi. All subsequent funds raised will be allocated towards their next off-campus event. Plant the seed for their tree!

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RUFF BUFF - Buffalo, NY (Active Status)

Been working on this for a couple of months now with the brothers up in Buffalo, NY. You know! THE RUFF BUFF! Currently 2/6 of the brothers up there are financially inactive Paul Celestial Arzu​ && Sheesh Ju Fleaa​... So to get them active perhaps we can get another fundraiser going for them.

Their next off-campus social event ($1,500 goal)

This fundraiser will also serve a double purpose, I along with Maximus Ojo​ and Jean Cobra Michel​ have been in contact with them over these past couple of months trying to figure out how to generate some funds for their colony. We have come to the conclusion that an off-campus event will be the best way. They have decided on a party. They have done most of the leg-work around campus and with a date of May 2nd (pending funds raised) and venue already situated, we have to get his ball rolling. We are extending a hand out to the brothers who would like to lend a helping hand. We have a projected budget of about $1,500, which I believe is quite feasible. We're not asking for one brother to attempt to cover the entire cost, as much of it will come from what is fundraised on campus. If you have it, give. If you don't well then support is also needed. Can't wait to have a convoy of cars on our way to Buffalo, NY for this event. CRIMSON!

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