Save Miss Havisham from the fire, let her see the light of day, help her live past 8:40 AM.
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Starting at the Havisham Hour today (8:40 AM Friday, 12/6) until Monday's Havisham Hour (8:40 AM Monday, 12/9), my very own Pip (@keiansatvat) will be Miss Havisham's weekend benefactor= He will match each and every donation to my campaign during this weekend, penny by penny (up to $250). Here is your chance to DOUBLE YOUR LOVE for Our Lady Turkey!!!!!!! — with Keian Satvat.
In Charles Dickens' Great Expectations, Miss Havisham stops living her life at 8:40 AM the morning of her wedding day, after she gets jilted at the altar. She never sees the light of day, and ends her life consumed by the fire.
I partnered up with one of the most beloved farms and animal sanctuaries in the Los Angeles area dedicated to the rescue and care of abandoned and mistreated animals, Where Every Animal Has A Home. Julian and Carol presented their patronage of The Havisham Hour project during this holiday season with the rescue of a beautiful turkey from a high-kill auction house. I was honored to be able to name this turkey after one of the most enchanting ladies I have ever met: Miss Havisham.
In return, I am reaching out to all of my respectable friends and art lovers, who have been so supportive of the Havisham Hour project, to participate in a fundraising initiative to save Miss Havisham.
Starting today, please consider donating as little as one dollar, and as much as your budget would allow during this upcoming holiday season, to help Miss Havisham live a happy, healthy, loving live. Your support will go directly and entirely into daily care, feed, and medical expenses, not only to Miss Havisham, but also to many loving disregarded animals that have been rescued by Julian and Carol, who provide loving daily care without any 3rd party support.
Please be the first one to pass this news to all your loving friends and family members.
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Starting at the Havisham Hour today (8:40 AM Friday, 12/6) until Monday's Havisham Hour (8:40 AM Monday, 12/9), my very own Pip (@keiansatvat) will be Miss Havisham's weekend benefactor= He will match each and every donation to my campaign during this weekend, penny by penny (up to $250). Here is your chance to DOUBLE YOUR LOVE for Our Lady Turkey!!!!!!! — with Keian Satvat.
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This is Molly's Halloween photo this year. Molly was a bait dog and was confiscated from a dog fighter. She now lives a fairy-tale life at Soledad. Her only 'drama' now is that she gained a couple of extra happy pounds and won't be able to fly with those wings!!!! LOL. Molly's best friend is Hope, Carol and Julian's blind goat. It's the most beautiful friendship I have ever seen= Photo Credit: where Every Animal Has A Home, October 2013.
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Introducing Miss Havisham's boyfriend! He's a Silver Turkey that happens to be in the critical endangered species list, but avoided being served on a plate thanks to Carol and Julian. Yes, an endangered Turkey, you better believe there is such a thing. It was love at 1st sight, as well as for Miss Havisham, LOL. Please send an engagement gift here: Photo credit: Soledad Farm
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840 has always been Miss Havisham's unlucky number, so when I planned a goal for my campaign I thought of using that number and turn it into her lucky number. Each of your donation dollars represents a day added to her life. 1 dollar=1 day. 20 dollars=20 days. Dollar by dollar, day by day, help me break Miss Havisham's own glass ceiling. Help me break her unlucky spell. I want miss Havisham to feel what is like to live beyond 840. Extend her life here:
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2013 has been such a great year for Equality, right? Have you ever stopped to think that the pursuit of happiness may not begin and end with us humans? Perhaps the future of farming will include that right as well. I'll tell you what: Carol and Julian at Soledad Farm believe in equality and the right to happiness, for all humans and non humans alike. They represent the future of farming. Please donate to my campaign and make a statement on Equality and Happiness FOR ALL:
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Are you doing what you can to dissent against the status quo? Do you take any opportunity to disagree with our unelected government (=corporations)? To disagree with the course of things today (animal cruelty, industrialized farming, corporate takeover of our food) means to make a statement against these things. By donating to my campaign YOU ARE MAKING THAT STATEMENT. Please donate: It means more than you think. Don't wait! Photo: at Soledad, kids are not separated from their moms. How about that?
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Carol rescued 2 horses that were about to have their lives terminated because they were 'too old'. This is Odin, he has only one eye, just as Miss Havisham. Odin is 23 years young. If you grew up with horses you know the older they get, the kinder and gentler they become. Your donation will make sure Odin, his friend, and the rest of the lucky tenants at Soledad live their lives happily until their last breath. This is what your donation does. Please donate:
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Face to face. How long shall we wait? One step at a time we're getting closer to our goal. I need your help. 22 days left until the end of my campaign to save Miss Havisham and her lovely roommates. Her Great Expectations are in your hands. Please donate:
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I Came to see and support Carol today at the Hollywood Farmer's Market. She told me how they are coping with the break in at her farm. Miss Havisham is doing FANTASTIC! Carol is trying to get her a boyfriend, or a girlfriend. I asked her if it's a boy-Turkey, he should be PIP, and if she's a girl-Turkey she should be ESTELLA. And she agreed! Please donate to my campaign to help Carol and Julian and their farm and animal rescue:
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If you think it's a good idea to support a local business that follows ethical and environmental sound practices, if you love animals, if you believe in kind, responsible and self-sufficient farming, if you care where your food comes from, and, on top of it, you liked reading or watching Great Expectations, then, don't put it off, donate to my campaign now, because that's what's all about! Every penny makes a difference!!!
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When I spent some time with Miss Havisham in her new home I learned a few things about her. First, I learned that she didn't care about my gender identity, my sexual orientation, my political orientation, my religious orientation, or my culinary orientation. NOR SHE CARES ABOUT YOURS. She only cares about YOUR LOVE. Second, she likes to listen to Dickens! I swear!
Love her?=Donate!
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8:40 AM: The Havisham Hour. Day/Page/Sketch 326 of 513 from Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations. --My grandma used to raise turkeys. Sometimes, as a treat during the cold months, she used to give them bread crumbs soaked in wine, and a single peppercorn each. They were not sulky or booby birds. They were happy turkeys. I created this page in her memory.-- Page read by JULIO PANISELLO here: Please donate to my campaign to save Miss Havisham: ©2013 Julio Panisello.
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White-Feather Friday deal! Special one-time, one-day only blowout offer: donate $100 dollars to Miss Havisham's rescue home, Soledad Farm, and get an exclusive invitation to read a page from Great Expectations for The Havisham Hour project (new readers special). Donate here:
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Carol and Julian have a farm. They also rescue animals. They saved a turkey during this Holiday season on behalf of The Havisham Hour. The turkey's name is now Miss Havisham. I went to visit them, visit the farm, and meet Miss Havisham. Love her?=Donate!
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Carol Pearce, the co-owner of Soledad Goats, took this photo of Miss Havisham after she rescued her from an 'end-of-the-line' auction. She quietly sat in the back of her truck, unaware of her new fate. In exchange of Carol and Julian giving Miss Havisham a new FOREVER home on behalf of The Havisham Hour, I am raising funds for her care, and for the care of the rest of the animals living in the farm with her. It's so easy to help Miss Havisham during this Holiday season. I set up this page ( where you can easily and conveniently give whatever you can. Love her?=Donate!
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Dec 03