Steps Together fundraising for Meals4HKC 2020

Steps Together

Fundraising for:
Meals4HKC 2020

From Steps Together

Here's to another year of providing daily school lunches for the students at The Dyola School in Bhaktapur, Nepal!

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It has been 1 year since Steps Together has started funding school lunches for the student at the Dyola School in Bhaktapur, Nepal. Over this year, these students have benefited so much from the consistent and nutritious lunches they were being served every day at school.The daily attendance of the students and the yearly enrollment has increased! This shows that helping provide these students with lunches is a huge step in helping them receive the education they deserve.

More Info

When Happy Kids Center was founded in 2016, the majority of our Happy Kids spent their days roaming the city collecting recyclables to sell and begging tourists for money while their peers spent their days behind desks in the classroom. Happy Kids Center was founded to be a place where they could escape! (90% of our Happy Kids are now enrolled in school full time!!)

We recognized quickly that while these children deserved a happy childhood, a priority had to be ensure they had a healthy one that would allow them to grow into healthy, strong adults. That is where Meals4HKC comes in. 

Shortly following the founding of Happy Kids Center we began offering community meals to the families every Saturday with the meager funding we had. These meal days served to do two things: (1) Ensure every child and their parents have access to a hot, nutritious meal at least once each week; and (2) unite an otherwise divided community of families from various ethnic, cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds.

In the early years Meals4HKC did just that, but as the Happy Kids Center community grew so did our ambitions. Despite the very positive impact of community meal days in 2018 more than 70% of our Happy Kids fell consistently under the category of “severely underweight,” with 20% being considered “very severely underweight” according to the World Health Organization.

Even mild degrees of malnutrition double the risk of mortality for diarrheal and respiratory disease, a risk that has become more significant in 2020. 

In response, in 2019 we launched a school feeding program, providing school lunches and after school snacks to all of our Happy Kids. Both of these programs were designed with the help of Siddhi Memorial Women and Children’s Hospital’s lead nutritionist. These programs ensure that each child and vulnerable parents have access to the most basic necessities of a nutritious diet. Every day the children and their parents are offered milk, eggs, vegetables, fruit, and more! 

These new programs have led to huge changes in the lives of our Happy Kids. First and foremost, the children look and feel substantially healthier!  A secondary benefit of the program is the huge uptick in school attendance! Parents are far more inclined to send their children to school when they know they will be provided with a wholesome meal. The children's behavior and attention in class have improved dramatically as well. There were also several mothers in our community struggling to produce milk for their infant children who are now benefitting from the program as well, guaranteeing a healthier next generation of Happy Kids. This is the value of Happy Kids Center's holistic approach to development! 

We need your help to continue to boost the health of our Happy Kids and their families and ensure no one goes hungry in 2020! 

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