My mom Denise, who does not have stable housing. She believes in working hard and thinking positively, but has been the victim of abusers and is experiencing chronic pain and long term work related injuries.
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What a great first day! We almost have a month of rent covered already. That's amazing!
I have made a couple quick updates to better reflect the needs and goals of this fundraiser! Mainly, the goal has been raised to $21,000 rather than just the $1700 needed for the first month. That is what I estimate would be needed to safely get my mom through December and 2021.
Each month, her basic needs would be covered by $1700.00, so the current goal is to reach that level in recurring contributions. If you already gave, thank you so much. If you think you could comfortably give a small amount each month, that would be incredibly helpful in getting us to the finish line faster!
If you'd like to help us get there, I've copied a short message below that you can tweet or post to facebook along with the link to this Fundly. Thank you all so much!
"Denise is a woman experiencing housing instability and unemployment during COVID-19 who could use your help! Please share this link and offer a monthly contribution to help her get safe, stable housing!"
Sign in with your Facebook account or email.
Welcome to the start of what I hope will be a very short campaign! I appreciate the help so much. I myself have lost thousands of dollars of income due to COVID-19, but I am thankful I have been able to make much of that up, running my small business as an independent contractor from home. However, it has really limited my ability to help my mom and she has bills coming due very soon and the temperature is only dropping in New England. Thank you for your contribution!
Sign in with your Facebook account or email.
Nov 30
Nov 28