Urgent Relief Campaign for Sudan - BHO

Urgent Relief Campaign for Sudan - BHO

From Mohamed Zakaria

BHO is thrilled to share that Alhamdulillah, with the support of our ground team, collaborators including SDN and HomeTaxsd, and your generous contributions, we were able to bring the Eid spirit to 507 families! ✨ Ou...

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BHO is thrilled to share that Alhamdulillah, with the support of our ground team, collaborators including SDN and HomeTaxsd, and your generous contributions, we were able to bring the Eid spirit to 507 families! ✨

Our new goal is to focus on new areas such as Gadarf state, where more than 150,000 individuals have been displaced from Sinnar and Sinja. As winter approaches, we will customize our support by providing nets, blankets, tents, and other essentials to meet their needs. 

We can't do this alone; we need your support! Thank you once again to everyone who helped out. We couldn't have done all this without you.---

Urgent Relief Campaign for Sudan - BHO

We all know what our country is going through: a cruel and brutal war that destroyed all the components of the state, and the Sudanese citizen became a victim either by death, hunger, or disease. They try to survive, sometimes by displacement and sometimes by escaping from the line of fire to shelters, schools, and roads, where some do not even have the necessary necessities needed to live, especially in the presence of financial exploitation by some weak souls.

We, at the Brana Hanbanihu Youth Organization, registered with the Humanitarian Aid Commission (BHO), have launched an emergency campaign aimed at reducing the burden on citizens displaced from the hell of war by providing the necessary necessities of food, drink, and warm clothes (cold clothes) to the needy as much as possible and media assistance in disseminating and raising the needs of those in need.

We will have a working team from within the shelters and displacement areas, and we will currently start with displaced citizens from Al-Jazira State to Sennar State.

To achieve this, we need you to stand side by side with us more than ever before because the need is great and urgent, and we all know that. With your support and assistance, we are going to be able to alleviate even a small part of the current suffering that the Sudanese citizen, who is forgotten by the whole world, is passing through.

Hence, we appeal to all organizations, initiatives, and other bodies to activate initiatives to confront this major humanitarian disaster, and we affirm that we are ready to cooperate with all parties and initiatives that will alleviate the harm suffered by the oppressed Sudanese citizen and meet his necessary needs in light of this deteriorating humanitarian situation.

We ask God to be kind to our country, Sudan, to shed blood, to accept the martyrs, to heal the wounded and injured, and to help and protect the displaced and refugees in all parts of Sudan.

BHO's bank account number: 2781775

Account name: Brana Hanabneiho Organization

Or via PayPal: [email protected]

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حملة الاغاثة العاجلة للسودان منظمة برانا حنبنيهو 

إننا في منظمة برانا حنبنيهو الشبابية المسجلة لدى مفوضية العون الانساني (BHO) اطلقنا حملة طارئة هدفها تخفيف العبء علي المواطنين النازحين  من جحيم الحرب وذلك  بتوفير الاحتياجات الضروية اللازمة من الاكل  والشرب والمدفأ(ملابس برد) للمحتاجين قدر المستطاع والمساعدة الاعلامية في نشر ورفع الحوجات للمحتاجين.

 سيكون معنا فريق عمل من داخل دور الايواء ومناطق النزوح وسنبدأ حاليا بالمواطنين النازحين من ولاية الجزيرة الي ولاية سنار .

لتحقيق ذالك نحتاج الى وقوفكم معنا جنبا الي جنب اكثر من اي وقت مضى لان الحوجة كبيرة وماسة وكلنا نعلم ذالك ، فبدعمكم ومساندتكم  سنخفف ولو جزء قليل من المعاناة الحالية التي يمر بها الانسان السوداني المنسي في كل العالم .

من هنا نناشد كافة المنظمات والمبادرات والاجسام الاخرى في تفعيل المبادرات لمجابهة هذه الكارثة الانسانية الكبرى ونؤكد اننا مستعدون للتعاون مع كافة الجهات والمبادرات التي من شأنها رفع الضرر عن المواطن السوداني المغلوب علي امره وتلبية احتياجاته اللازمة في ظل هذا الوضع الانساني المتدهور .

نسأل الله ان يلطف ببلادنا السودان وان يحقن الدماء ويتقبل الشهداء ويشفي الجرحى والمصابين وان يعين النازحين واللاجئين ويحفظهم في كآفة ربوع السودان .

رقم حساب المنظمة :


باسم منظمة برانا حنبنيهو 

او عن طريق رابط PayPal 

[email protected]


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