24Hr Homeless Veteran Sleepout (6th Annual)

24Hr Homeless Veteran Sleepout (6th Annual)

From Sara Valdez

Columbia College's Student Veteran's Association hosts it's 6th 24 Hr Homeless Veteran Sleepout to raise awareness and funds to battle homelessness in the Chicago veteran community..

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Update #3

about 6 years ago

We made it! Thanks to everyone for donating this year! Even though the event is over we will keep the donation link live for about another week or so before we shut it down and donate to Thresholds and VOA. See you all for #VetSleepout18!
#ColumbiaChi #CCCSVA #studentveterans #sva #velsleepout18

More Info



DEC 14 @9:30AM- DEC 15 @9:30AM

Every year, the Student Veterans of Columbia College Chicago volunteer to spend 24 hours braving the Chicago winter in support of the thousands of homeless veterans stuck living on the streets everyday.For our efforts we hope to raise awareness but also funds that we can donate to help battle this problem. This year we will be donating our raised funds to Thresholds.The event is open to the public and is NOT exclusive to veterans. Whether you are a veteran, a supporter, or just someone interested in the event, we'll welcome you with open arms and probably some hot cocoa, too. The Columbia College Chicago Student Veteran Association will have extra tents but we strongly advise you bring your own gear, if possible. Do not underestimate the cold. This event is hosted by the Student Veteran Association of Columbia College Chicago and takes place on campus property. No drugs or alcohol please. Let us know if you have any questions or concerns, we're here to help!

Contact Email: [email protected]


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Sara Valdez posted a new update:
about 6 years ago

Update #2

We made it! Thanks to everyone for donating this year! Even though the event is over we will keep the donation link live for about another week or so before we shut it down and donate to Thresholds and VOA. See you all for #VetSleepout18!
#ColumbiaChi #CCCSVA #studentveterans #sva #velsleepout18

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Sara Valdez posted a new update:
about 6 years ago

Update #3

We made it! Thanks to everyone for donating this year! Even though the event is over we will keep the donation link live for about another week or so before we shut it down and donate to Thresholds and VOA. See you all for #VetSleepout18!
#ColumbiaChi #CCCSVA #studentveterans #sva #velsleepout18

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Sara Valdez posted a new update:
about 6 years ago

Update #1

Thanks so much to everyone that has donated so far! The sleepout starts tomorrow morning! Come join us or just say hi as we brave the elements for a full 24 hours!

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